UdZ / Issue 02.24

FOCUS – GASTBEITRAG 18 / UdZ 02.24 Vertikale Systemintegration vom Shopfloor bis ins ERP-System Die automatische Übermittlung von Zusatzinformation, wie der zuvor beschriebenen, ermöglicht es, Mitarbeitende spürbar zu entlasten und gleichzeitig potenzielle menschliche Fehler zu reduzieren. Durch diese Prozessautomatisierung entsteht eine Grundlage, um die Produktivität zu steigern und Fachkräften mehr Zeit für ihre eigentlichen Kernaufgaben zu geben (s. Image 4). >> connectedindustry.net/angebot/innovationsprojekte/#event-driven-production-order Image 4: Integration of Process Information from Asset Tracking and Machine Vision work progress directly saved in the SAP® system. This ensures that the status of the work process is always clearly visible, without employees having to enter information manually. This automation not only saves time for employees, but also ensures complete transparency throughout the entire process. This transparency also serves as an ideal basis for further analyzing and optimizing the process. Gaining Additional Information Through Machine Vision The use of camera systems combined with artificial intelligence automatically provides additional processrelevant information, such as the required processing time for each process step. This involves capturing the movements of each employee to precisely determine the start and end of a work process. Furthermore, this technology offers other potential applications, such as automatic determination of quality deviations. Vertical System Integration from the Shop Floor to the ERP System The automatic transmission of additional information, as previously described, makes it possible to noticeably reduce the workload of employees and at the same time reduce potential human errors. This process automation lays the basis for increased productivity and giving specialists more time for their actual core tasks (see Image 4). Contacts Stefan Leachu Center Director Center Connected Industry Email: S.Leachu@connectedindustry.net Dr.-Ing. Hannes Elser Managing Director Scheidt & Bachmann IoT Solutions GmbH Email: elser.hannes@scheidt-bachmann.de

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