UdZ / Issue 02.24

UdZ 02.24 / 21 Leveraging Predictive Maintenance for Tool Wear Optimization in CNC Milling Tool Wear Prediction Business Case Calculation Based on Successful Implementation at Ka Shui Group The application of predictive maintenance in manufacturing, as exemplified by the predictive maintenance kit developed by FLAIR, Center Connected Industry , and FIR an der RWTH Aachen, can reduce the manual effort required to determine tool change time. The kit is retrofitted to computer numerical controlled (CNC) milling machines to collect sensor data and predict the remaining useful life (RUL) of milling tools. The kit aims to enhance operational efficiency and improve product quality through the convergence of advanced algorithms and data-driven insights. FLAIR successfully implemented the kit on three CNC milling machines at its partner Ka Shui Group. It is planned to expand the predictive maintenance kit to 100 CNC machines in Ka Shui’s factory. The estimated payback period of this expansion is 1.83 years. > UdZ 02.24 / 21

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