UdZ / Issue 03.23

UdZ 03.23 / 39 5G.NATURAL: 5G in Agriculture: What About the Cost-Benefit Ratio? An Implementation Perspective for Farms in the Age of 5G The rapid development of 5G communication technology suggests that it will revolutionize agriculture in many ways. From autonomous machines to real-time monitoring of fields and animals, 5G offers enormous potential. In this article, we will look at the financial aspects of implementing 5G in agriculture, including investment and operational costs. It also examines the potential financial benefits and value propositions that can be achieved through 5G-enabled technologies in the dimensions of flexibility, safety and quality As part of the 5G.NATURAL research project, a business case calculator is being developed to help companies make informed decisions. The release of this tool is planned for the end of 2023 and promises to shape the future of agriculture in the long term. >

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