UdZ / Issue 01.22

News from the RWTH Aachen Campus 90/ UdZ 01.22 We welcome the new enrolled members in the Smart Logistics Cluster John Deere Schindler Deutschland DMG MORI Global Marketing GmbH Westphalia DataLab GmbH We are looking forward to a successful cooperation! Smart Logistics Cluster on RWTHAachen Campus The Smart Logistics Cluster is one of the six start-up clusters on the Melaten Campus. Since 2010, the Managing Director of FIR, Professor Volker Stich, has headed theSmart Logistics Cluster on the RWTH Aachen Campus. More than 500 people from science and industry are researching and developing solutions here for networking goods and information in a digital world of the future. The major changes, such as the shift in production, logistics, services, mobility and healthcare, are guiding the way of action here. For Industrie 4.0 to succeed, smart logistics is needed to organize the demand-driven flow of goods, commodities Cluster Smart Logistik auf demRWTHAachen Campus Das Cluster Smart Logistik ist eines der sechs Startcluster auf dem Campus Melaten. Seit 2010 leitet der Geschäftsführer des FIR, Professor Volker Stich, das Cluster Smart Logistik auf dem RWTH Aachen Campus. Über 500 Menschen aus Wissenschaft und Industrie erforschen und entwickeln hier Lösungen für die Vernetzung von Waren und Informationen in einer digitalen Welt der Zukunft. Handlungsleitend sind hier die großen Wenden, etwa die Produktion-, Logistik-, Dienstleistungs-, Mobilitäts- oder die Gesundheitswende. Damit Industrie 4.0 gelingt, ist eine Intelligente Logistik not- wendig, umdenbedarfsgerechten StromvonWaren, Güternund Connected Production Smart Services and Smart Products Future of Business Applications Mobility Smart Building Future Logistics Smart Health Business Model Innovation + Business Transformation Infrastructure: Demonstration Factory as Digital Experience Factory Electromobility Lab & e-Charging Park Innovation Labs and Theme Park Marketing Services & Conference Center Cluster-Leading Institut Transformation Mobility and Real Estate Transformation Service Transformation Production Transformation Logistics Transformation Health

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