UdZ 02.24 / 93 Transportnetzwerke für alle Stakeholder, um Kommunikation und Integration zu erleichtern. 2. Weiterentwicklung von Algorithmen zur effizienteren, genaueren und schnelleren Routenplanung sowie zur Vorhersage der Auswirkungen disruptiver Ereignisse. 3. Aufbau einer Plattform für vernetzte Logistik, die alternative Routen und flexible Anpassungen ermöglicht, um die Resilienz gegenüber Störungen zu erhöhen. 4. Implementierung einer KI-gestützten Modellierung für ein adaptives Transportnetzwerk, das schnellere Reaktionen auf Krisen ermöglicht und mehr Unternehmen, einschließlich KMU, in das multimodale Netzwerk integriert. Die angestrebten Ergebnisse von ‚ReMuNet‘ sollen künftig dazu beitragen, die Effizienz und Widerstandsfähigkeit des europäischen Güterverkehrs erheblich zu steigern (s. Bild 2, S. 92). Mit einem Fokus auf nachhaltigen, multimodalen Transportlösungen wird die Fähigkeit zur Bewältigung von Störungen verbessert und die Nutzung alternativer Routen erhöht. Diese Maßnahmen können zu einer Reduzierung von Emissionen führen. Tobias Kurth stakeholders to facilitate communication and integration. 2. Advance algorithms for more efficient, accurate, and faster route planning, and for predicting the impact of disruptive events 3. Building a platform for connected logistics that provides alternative routes and flexible adjustments to bolster resilience to disruptions 4. Implement AI-based modeling for an adaptive transport network that enables faster responses to crises and integrates more companies, including SMEs, into the multimodal network. The intended outcomes of ReMuNet are expected to significantly enhance the efficiency and resilience of European freight transport in the future (see Figure 2, p. 92). By focusing on sustainable, multimodal transport solutions, the project aims to improve the ability to cope with disruptions and increase the use of alternative routes. These measures can also lead to a reduction in emissions. Tobias Kurth References: Bast, H.; Delling, D.; Goldberg, A.; Müller-Hannemann, M.; Pajor, T.; Sanders, P.; Wagner, D.; Werneck, R. F.: Route Planning in Transportation Networks. In: Algorithm Engineering. Selected Results and Surveys. Eds.: L. Kliemann; P. Sanders, Springer, Cham [u. a.] 2016, pp. 19 – 80. Glaeser, G.: 77-Mal Mathematik für zwischendurch. Unterhaltsame Kuriositäten und unorthodoxe Anwendungen. Springer, Berlin [u. a.] 2020. Leveling, J.: Uses cases and examples of a Logistics Data Space: Sensor Data Integration for Logistics Services. In: Challenges and Potentials of a Logistics Data Space. Fraunhofer IML, Dortmund 2019. https://internationaldataspaces.org/ wp-content/uploads/IDSA-LC-position_paper.pdf (link last checked: 09/13/2024) Ollagnier, J.-M.; Timmermans, K.; Brueckner, M.: From disruption to reinvention: The future of supply chains in Europe. accenture online, 05/23/2022. https:// www.accenture.com/content/dam/accenture/final/a-com-migration/r3-additional-pages-1/pdf/pdf-177/accenture-disruption-reinvention.pdf#zoom=40 (last checked: 09/13/2024) Pfoser, S.; Treiblmaier, H.; Schauer, O.: Critical Success Factors of Synchromodality: Results from a Case Study and Literature Review. In: Transportation Research Procedia 14(2016), pp. 1463 – 1471. To learn more, visit remunet-project.eu, where you can track the progress of the project and much more. FIR’s publication portal offers access to all future ReMuNet publications involving FIR, as well as other FIR publications. You can subscribe to updates via RSS feed, ensuring you receive real-time information and links to new project publications in your email inbox. Project Title: ReMuNet – REsilient MUltimodal freight transport NETwork Funding/Promoters: Europäische Union (EU), European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) Funding no.: 101104072 ‚ReMuNet‘ is funded by the European Union under GA number 101104072. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. Website: remunet-project.eu John von Stamm, M. Sc. Project Manager Research Unit Business Transformation FIR e. V. an der RWTH Aachen Phone: +49 241 47705-304 Email: John.vonStamm@fir.rwth-aachen.de Open Access: Dieser Artikel wird unter der Creative-Commons-Lizenz „Share Alike 4.0 International – Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen 4.0 International” (CC BY-SA 4.0) veröffentlicht.
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