Ecosystem Design

In the course of digital transformation, the models and logics of value creation are subject to significant paradigmatic changes. Increasingly, platform-based business models and ecosystems are emerging in which, in contrast to earlier chain-like logics, the value creation process is completely reorganized.

The Ecosystem Design unit is concerned with the development and selection of adequate strategies for implementing paradigmatic changes in the course of these transformations. At the same time, it is important to reduce the uncertainties associated with entering the platform economy and the design of ecosystems. In addition to questions of monetization, these include questions of institutionalization, governance, i.e. the open availability of and access to data and their regulation, as well as measurability and scalability in ecosystems and platforms.

Research question

The Ecosystem Design unit investigates

  •  which patterns of future organisational forms will emerge in the course of digital transformation, the new platform economy and ecosystems
  •  which paths companies will have to follow in order to successfully reposition themselves and
  • how the institutional framework conditions will have to be designed.

Further Information


Whitepaper „Seizing the Potentials of Ecosystems“
Learn how we understand 'Ecosystems' and how you can benefit from them.