
Application-oriented block chain solutions for supply chain management

The goal of the research project ABChain is the design of a reference architecture for block chain applications to create transparency in supply chains.

Initial situation

Sustainable management and responsible use of resources and the environment have gained high priority in German society. Better product tracking and greater transparency in supply chains enable more resource-efficient value creation. In addition, customers demand insight into the supply chain and want to be informed about the production and origin of products. The block chain as a distributed database with extraordinary data security, real-time availability of information throughout the network and high reliability provides the technological basis for increasing supply chain transparency. Data on emissions, working conditions, material origin and other sustainability criteria can be recorded and distributed along the supply chain.

Solution approach

The requirements of users and solution providers for a block chain application flow into a reference architecture for it. This defines, for example, the design of interfaces, required data and access policies. Together with DIN, the results are transferred into a standardization. Subsequently, design recommendations for the integration of a block chain application are derived and the results are validated in companies.

Expected result

Design recommendations and reference architecture for block chain applications to create transparency in supply chains.

Benefits for the target group

The reference architecture serves to facilitate the development and implementation of block chain applications and thus reduce costs, risks and time for SMEs. Customers are given better access to information about the origin of their products in order to make ecologically sound and sustainable purchasing decisions.


  • IT, Software and Internet
  • Machinery and Plant Engineering

Topic Area

  • Production Management

Research Focus

  • Supply-Chain-Management

FIR Navigator

  • Blockchain
  • End2End Process Excellence
  • Supply Chain Data Management
  • Projectinfos

    Funding no.
    21256 N
    Funding information

    The IGF project 21256 N of the Research Association FIR e. V. at the RWTH Aachen University is funded via the AiF within the framework of the programme for the funding of cooperative industrial research (IGF) by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) on the basis of a resolution of the German Bundestag.

    Further information

    Der Abschlussbericht zu diesem Forschungsprojekt ist über den FIR e. V. an der RWTH Aachen erhältlich: epub(at)