“Advanced Context Technologies for collaboraTIve Enterprise”

The goal of the project ACTIVE was to strengthen the productivity in knowledge intensive jobs with the help of the application of intelligent computer systems.
ACTIVE aimed to increase the productivity of knowledge workers in a pro-active, contextualised, yet easy and unobstrusive way. The aim was to convert an enterprise's tacit and unshared knowledge into transferable, interoperable and actionable knowledge to support seamless collaboration and to enable problem solving. A key aspect was support for informal procedural knowledge with the help of intelligent computer applications and machine learning systems. Another research aspect was the combination of Social Software, Semantic Technologies, Context Mining and Management, and Knowledge Process Support. FIR had a key role in the phased evaluation and business validation of the project results. Duration of the project was from 03.2008-03.2010
Project partners
- Accenture (ACC), Paris, France
- AIFB - Institut für Angewandte Informatik und Formale Beschreibungsverfahren (UKARL), Karlsruhe
- British Telecommunications plc (BT) , London
- Cadence (CDNS), Feldkirchen
- DERI - Research Institute der Universität Innsbruck (UIBK), Innsbruck, Austria
- Eurescom GmbH (EUR), Heidelberg
- European Microsoft Innovation Center (EMIC), Aachen
- HERMES SoftLab d.o.o. (HSL), Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Intelligent Software Components S.A (iSOCO), Barcelona, Spain
- Institut Jozef Stefan (JSI), Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Kea-pro (KEA), Spiringen, Switzerland
Topic Area
- Information Management
Research Focus
- Informationslogistik