Open Circular-Collaboration-Platform for Sustainable Food Packaging from Plastics

The aim of the research project ‘COPPA’ is to develop an open and scalable Circular Collaboration Platform (CCP) with functionalities that create benefits for recyclers, plastic reprocessors / converters, packaging manufacturers and food retailers.
Initial situation
According to the latest packaging check by Deutsche Umwelthilfe, the amount of packaging waste in Germany is reaching new record levels from year to year. At just under 228 kilograms per capita per year, we are the European frontrunner. Consumers expect food retailers to also take action against this packaging waste crisis.
At present, however, various informational and market conditions, the development of which can be traced back to a linear economy, prevent increased closed-loop recycling as well as the reduction of material use, even in the application case of plastic packaging for food.
Solution Approach
The goal of ‘COPPA’ is to develop an open and scalable Circular Collaboration Platform (CCP) that creates the following functionalities for recyclers, plastic reprocessors / converters, packaging manufacturers and food retailers:
- Establish seamless tracking of plastics from packaging
- Thereby enabling more accurate and efficient information exchange for automated quality proofing, availability prediction, etc.
- Verification of recyclate content and recyclate quality of products and material batches
- Proof of origin or owner as a dynamized property per batch / main component
- Development of a smart contract model for value chains - in the sense of democratized and notarized plastics processing
- Provide decision support for packaging material reduction and recyclate use as a conceptual approach or as a steering tool (dashboard)
- Precise verification of sustainability effects through reduced material consumption and increased use of recyclates (CO2 or resource savings by relevant material groups)
Expected Result
The project result is intended to be a practical demonstrator that is freely accessible to all companies in the entire food chain at the end of the implementation phase.
Benefits for the Target Group
The CCP enables an accurate and efficient exchange of information on the recyclate content and quality of plastic packaging. At the same time, by linking relevant environmental information, 'COPPA' makes the increase in individual and industry-related sustainability performance calculable and verifiable for well-founded communication.
Project partners
Associated partners
- Printing, Paper and Packaging
Topic Area
- Business Transformation
Research Focus
- Ecosystem Design
FIR Navigator
JRF Guiding Topic
- Society & Digitization
- Industry & Environment
Funding no.
281A707C20Funding information
The project is supported by funds of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) based on a decision of the Parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany via the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE) under the innovation support programme.