Technology calendar for decision supporting of the application of identification technologies at middle-class enterprises

The goal of the research project ID-select was the development of a technology calendar as a tool for decision supporting in the area of applications planning for identification technologies for small and medium-sized enterprises.
Despite the generally acknowledged potentials of identification technologies (e. g. Radio Frequency Identifcation (RFID), Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Barcode) many companies still hold back with investments. Particularly for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), application of new technologies is conjoined with considerable uncertainties, such as the risk of misinvestment. Because of the growing complexity and more and more shortened product lifecycles, companies have to decide quickly.
The objective of this research project was the development of a technology calendar in order to support the decision process in the deployment of identification technologies for SMEs. Technical capabilities as well as limits should be pointed out and the selective decision between several ID technologies should be prepared. Based on the documentation of decision parameters of the technology calendar, a method for the regular and comprehensible review and adaptation of decisions taken should be provided.
Topic Area
- Information Management
Research Focus
- Informationstechnologiemanagement