Integrated European Signalling Systems

One main objective of INESS was a significantly life-cycle cost-reduction of future interlocking and the associated surrounding equipments.
The INESS project, collaborating to the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission, was a contribution for the European harmonization of signalling systems among all European Railways. The project should define and develop specifications for a new generation of interlocking systems, and should thus extend and enhance the standardization process according to current European policies. It should further bring industries more directly involved with Infrastructure Managers in developing innovative solutions for the future. One main objective of INESS was a significantly life-cycle cost-reduction of future interlocking and the associated surrounding equipments. All possibilities for cost-reduction in the various implementation phases ranging from planning and site-specific engineering, procurement, commissioning to maintenance should be explored.
Project partners
- ADIF, Madrid, Spain
- Ansaldo STS, Piossasco (TO), Italy
- AZD, Praha, Czech Republic
- Banverket, Göteborg, Sweden
- Bombardier Transportation RCS, Braunschweig
- Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e. V. (DLR), Braunschweig
- DB Netz AG, Frankfurt am Main
- Network Rail, London, Großbritannien
- ProRail B.V., Utrecht, Netherlands
- RFI, Bologna, Italy
- Schneider Electric SE, Rueil Malmaison, France
- Siemens AG Transportation Systems, Braunschweig
- Thales Rail Signalling Solutions GmbH, Stuttgart
- Union International des Chemins De Fer (UIC), Paris, France
Topic Area
- Service Management