Development of an integrated concept for intelligent condition monitoring of offshore wind farms

The overall objective of this project is to establish the organization as well as technical requirements for onshore remote management for condition monitoring of offshore wind farms. For this purpose, an integrated approach on intelligent condition monitoring is developed.
Offshore wind power is increasing in importance, in particular during the period of power transition. The exposed location of new wind farms brings new challenges on how to ensure a fluent operation.
The challenge: locally constant and intensive monitoring is not possible. New and innovative solutions are needed to enable a condition-based management. Above all, necessary repairs have to be identified as early as possible. For this purpose an integrated concept for an intelligent condition monitoring of offshore wind farms should be developed.
The main goal of the project is to create the organizational and technical preconditions to ensure an effective and stable use of offshore wind farms.
Offshore wind farms require intensive remote monitoring in order to maximize the yield and operational safety. Therefore the focus of the research project lies on the development, analysis and interpretation of measurable and measured data of an offshore wind farm.
In order to derive recommendations for the operation management and maintenance, existing Condition Monitoring Systems (CMS) will be resumed, analysed and presented in the form of Key Performance Indicators (KPI) on a data hub.
Project partners
Topic Area
- Service Management