Development of an instrument for the targeted use of specific methods and tools for the efficient industrial service delivery

Main result of the research project "MIND - Methods Navigator to increase efficiency of industrial services" is the MIND-IT-demonstrator, which brings together methods and tools to increase efficiency in a comprehensive scheme for the management of service delivery of industrial services.
Main result of the research project "MIND - Methods Navigator to increase efficiency of industrial services" is the MIND-IT-demonstrator, which brings together methods and tools to increase efficiency in a comprehensive scheme for the management of service delivery of industrial services. You can find the MIND-IT-demonstrator on the internet at www.methodennavigator.de and upon your registration it offers compact and informative information on the objectives, opportunities and risks, costs and benefits, as well as the procedure for application of the methods to increase the efficiency of industrial services. For easy identification of the correct method, three entrances for selection are provided in conformity with the target of the project. The methods can be assigned to a process type of industrial service providers, to an industry-relevant optimization target, or within the selection scheme based on the phases and principles of Lean service management for industrial services. The partial results of the research project were reviewed in a practical perspective on their suitability by the project advisory committee, as part of practical workshops, as well as in validation workshops in two partner companies.
Using the MIND-online tools, decision makers of small and medium service companies are capable to select the right method to increase the efficiency of their service organization just with little effort.
In the described structure of the methods Navigator to the end of the project 62 methods are documented.
In addition, the research results are published in a comprehensive guide consisting of the main results of the AiF research project MIND (432 ZN) and OSE (Overall Service Efficiency; 16788 N). This guide will help companies not only in the identification of potential efficiency gains through a basic understanding of waste in service companies, but also describes the system used to select optimization tools to support the increase in efficiency based on Lean Service Principles.
Detailed information in the form of the final report, we will gladly provide you upon request.
Project partners
Topic Area
- Service Management
Research Focus
- Service Excellence
Funding no.
432 ZNFunding information
Das IGF-Vorhaben MIND (432 ZN) der Forschungsvereinigung (FIR e. V. an der RWTH Aachen) wurde über die AiF im Rahmen des Programms zur Förderung der Industriellen Gemeinschaftsforschung (IGF) vom Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie aufgrund eines Beschlusses des Deutschen Bundestages gefördert.