Open Service Cloud for the Smart Car

Consequent addition of ICT as well as ICTEE architecture to Aachen's modular system for electric vehicles (StreetScooter).
O(SC)²ar aimed at transfering the Aachen modular system for electric vehicles ("Concept Zeitgeist") to ICT, as well as electrical and electronics (ICTEE) architecture. The redesign of the architecture ICTEE - required by the specific boundary conditions, battery-electric vehicles (short distances and frequent loading) - enables new ways for architecture design. To meet the new requirements and technical interfaces from vehicle-and application-specific vision needs, a new concept of ICT in electric vehicles is required.
An open-architecture ICTEE in the electric vehicle can takes present and future mobility needs into account in a better way than vendor specific, proprietary systems can. For example, an ICT-based platform approach to car-sharing can resolve the "individualization dilemma", composed of a need for individualization and flexibility on one side and an established car park on the other side. When changing a vehicle the user then finds his or her personal services and settings (eg the preferred charging stations, the usual navigation system with its own final goals, their own favourite radio stations, air conditioning and ventilation settings, etc.) again. The "Concept Zeitgeist", in analogy to the mobile phone, will be a platform on which many of mobility and entertainment services, user-specific and highly flexible can be purchased.
The currently predominant communication of the electric vehicle with a fixed server for added value services applications ("apps") will be fanned out into an open cloud service, so that the innovation diffusion increases significantly resulting in an open ICT innovation platform for electric vehicles. The Open Cloud service enables not only car manufacturers but also providers of repair services, energy providers, and usually car-sharing or delivery service providers to make convenient use of Smart Cars such as the "Concept Zeitgeist" or the "FEV Liiona". Due to the through the open architecture of the platform own apps and corresponding software can be developed, allowing the aforementioned to market their products and services to an unlimited number of clients.
Project partners
Topic Area
- Information Management
Research Focus
- Informationslogistik
- Informationstechnologiemanagement