Smart Building
Developing an approach to transform the manufacturers of technical building equipment to providers of smart building solutions in the field of office buildings

Target of the project Smart Building is the development of data driven services for smart buildings and in particular for office buildings. An approach will be developed that enables small and medium enterprises to utilize the potential of smart buildings in a structured way. Therefore, a catalogue of data driven services and a guideline including a toolbox to plan, steer and control the transformation process will be developed.
Utilization of data driven potentials
The ongoing trend towards resource efficiency as well as dynamically developing information and communication technologies lead to massive changes in the segment of building service equipment (BSE). Sensors and meters generate vast amounts of data, which are available for the producers of BSE. The use of such information in the context of data driven services offers companies and especially SMEs great potential. Currently the generated data on energy consumption and the condition of the building technology are not utilized by SMEs, hence not any of these companies offer data driven services. Reasons are a lack of know-how, how to commercialize the data, as well as missing resources.
Innovating the business model, increasing efficiency
Target of the project Smart Building is the development of data driven services for smart buildings and in particular for office buildings. For this purpose three sub-objectives are in focus:
1st sub-objective: Systematization, analysis and assessment of the business segment of data driven services for smart buildings.
2nd sub-objective: Identification of key factors for the transformation process on the way to become a provider of data driven services as well as for determining steps to overcome implementation barriers.
3rd sub-objective: Development of a tool for planning, steering and controlling the transformation process for becoming a provider of data driven services for smart buildings.
Three results enable the use of digital potentials
1st result: Systematization of the business segment of data driven services for smart buildings and in particular for producers of BSE; catalogue of data driven services as well as the identification of requirements for companies of the BSE industry.
2nd result: Key factors for the transformation process on the way to become a provider of data driven services incl. a catalogue with determined steps to overcome implementation barriers.
3rd result: Toolbox and guideline for planning, steering and controlling the transformation process for becoming a provider of data driven services for smart buildings.
Project partners
- Bundesindustrieverband Technische Gebäudeausrüstung e. V., Bonn
- CIBEK technology & trading GmbH, Limburgerhof
- Formitas AG, Aachen
- MeteoViva® GmbH, Jülich
- Systemtechnik Lau, Oldenburg
- tsbc | the smartbuilding company, Bad Zwischenahn
- visago Systems & Controls GmbH & Co. KG, Weilheim an der Teck
- VITEC Imago – a brand of ScanSource Video Communications GmbH, Mainz
- Machinery and Plant Engineering
Topic Area
- Business Transformation
JRF Guiding Topic
- Cities & Infrastructure
Funding no.
18858 NFunding information
Das IGF-Vorhaben 38EBG der Forschungsvereinigung FIR e. V. an der RWTH Aachen, wurde über die AiF im Rahmen des Programms zur Förderung der industriellen Gemeinschaftsforschung und -entwicklung (IGF) vom Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie aufgrund eines Beschlusses des Deutschen Bundestages gefördert.