Open INnovation Ecosystems for Do It Together Process

The aim of the INEDIT research project is to further develop European industrial cooperation in the furniture industry using the platform of the same name.
Initial situation
Due to the ongoing digitalization, the value requirements of customers are changing more and more towards intangible services and value promises. In the furniture industry in particular, demand for individualized and sustainable products is growing strongly. In order to precisely address the customer's requirements, new, agile and flexible development and production approaches must be used that allow the customer to participate even more actively in the design process. To support this, a tool is required that gives the customer access to a mix of digital and physical services and links them to all other stakeholders in the value chain.
Solution approach
As a tool for greater customer participation in the development and production process of individual furniture, an open platform is to be developed that can be accessed by a wide range of stakeholders throughout Europe. In addition to the digital and physical services on the platform, a novel concept of cooperation between different stakeholders will be created, in which different, independent parties act together according to a "do-it-together" principle. To ensure that all parties have a high incentive to cooperate and that the furniture is as sustainable as possible, business models are being developed specifically for this purpose. The tools and concepts developed are finally applied in the project in four use-cases in different European countries.
Expected result
The open platform creates a tool that allows private individuals, for example, to upload designs and drafts, which can then be implemented in cooperation with designers and manufacturers. The platform makes it possible to exchange information, test new technologies and manufacturing processes or to produce in cooperation without detours. Customers take part in the creation process of their furniture pieces and thus become an active part of the industry themselves. They even have the opportunity to market the furniture or benefit from the further use of their ideas.
The INEDIT platform thus brings together stakeholders within the value chain of furniture production who have so far been acting separately.
Benefits for the Target Group
The target group in this case is very large and diverse. From the designer to the end customer, it includes the entire furniture industry and the associated economic ecosystem. The furniture industry should thus become significantly more flexible, open and sustainable. Thus, through the targeted platform, pieces of furniture become more individual, cheaper, environmentally friendly and fairer.
Further Links
UdZ Article: "Concept for an International Co-creation Platform in the Furniture Sector"
Project partners
- Asociacion De Investigacion Metalurgica Del Noroeste (AIMEN), Spanien, Spain
- Centro di Ricerca e Innovazione tecnologica srl (CRIT srl), Italien, Italy
- Crowd Prediction (CROWD), Frankreich, France
- Laboratoire Angevin de Mécanique, Procédés et innovAtion de l'Ecole Nationale Supérieure d‘Arts et Métiers (LAMPA), Paris, France
- Hanzehogeschool Groningen Stichting (HUAS), Niederlande, Netherlands
- Instituto De Desenvolvimento De Novas Tecnologias Associacao (UNINOVA), Portugal, Portugal
- Scm Group Spa (SCM), Italien, Italy
- Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana (SUPSI), Manno, Switzerland
- Steinbeis Innovation & Management GmbH (SEZ), Deutschland
- Technology Transfer Systems srl (TTS), Italien, Italy
- Transition Technologies Psc Spolkaz Ograniczona Odpowiedzialnoscia (TTPSC), Polen, Italy
- Universite De Lorraine (UL), Frankreich, France
- Veragouth Sa (Vera), Schweiz, Switzerland
- Machinery and Plant Engineering
Topic Area
- Service Management
- Production Management
Research Focus
- Service Excellence
FIR Navigator
JRF Guiding Topic
- Society & Digitization
- Industry & Environment
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Funding no.
869952Project homepage
inedit-project.euFunding information
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 869952.
Further information
UdZ-Article 03.22: "INEDIT: Revenue Model for a Co-Creation Platform in the Furniture Sector"
The final report on this research project is available from FIR e. V. at RWTH Aachen University: epub(at)