SoW – Service-oriented value creation

The aim of the "SOW" research project is to gain a better understanding of novel solutions for increased service-oriented value creation in networked service provision on the basis of four concrete cases from four different industries and to make them predictable, thus supporting forward-looking entrepreneurial design and evaluation of services and business models.
Initial situation
In the course of the digital transformation of the economy, work and society, service-oriented forms of value creation are increasingly developing as a result of new needs and new technological possibilities. What is needed are value-oriented service bundles in individual contexts that are characterized by seamless interaction in the deliberate coupling of material and services, of physical and digital elements. In order to create such bundles of services and to be able to provide them reliably and economically, cooperation across the boundaries of traditional providers and sectors is increasingly necessary, because new cooperation in a balance of collaboration and competition (coopetition) can meet new, often complex demand better than singular services. Cooperation between several players, the conscious development of value creation systems and the sustainable management of distributed value creation are becoming relevant competitive factors. This creates new challenges for the communication of the utility value of service bundles with their inherent added value components for generating willingness to buy as well as for the design of structures of cross-company service processes, for the abilities of management and employees to work between collaboration and competition as well as for financing, price and profit distribution concepts in the face of volatile demand from individual usage profiles and amortization that can sometimes only be realized in the medium term in longer periods after a contract is concluded.
In a nutshell: How can profits be calculated, achieved and fairly distributed in new service cooperations with novel services?
Solution approach
The goal of this joint project is to better understand and predict novel solutions for increased service-oriented value creation in networked service provision on the basis of four concrete cases from four different industries, and thus to support forward-looking entrepreneurial design and evaluation of services and business models. To this end, a modeling and design tool is being developed in collaboration with partners from research and industry that makes it possible to map configurations of multi-actor offerings as well as the structures and processes of value creation in the area of tension between cooperation and competition and to evaluate them through simulation.
Expected result
With this project, FIR e. V. is pursuing the goal of systematically identifying strategic success positions in company networks in service-oriented, networked and complex value creation systems and making these usable for companies with the help of extended business ecosystem methods. To this end, a thematic focus is placed on the scientific modeling and design of roles and competitive positions in value creation systems in the form of distances to external value creation partners and competitors, from which the role models and positioning alternatives are derived. An application-oriented simulation and prototypical implementation with the group of companies of the construction and real estate industry DERICHS u KONERTZ aim at the applicability of the newly developed methodology in field tests. From this, a competitive service offering for strategic consulting of German (small and medium-sized) companies in the national and international competition of service-oriented business models will be developed in order to increase the competitiveness of German companies in competitive markets (e.g. aircraft maintenance, mechanical and plant engineering, real estate industry, logistics industry). The goal is to quantifiably and systematically develop the best positioning alternative for organizations in value creation systems using our methodology and thus to position themselves sustainably.
Project partners
- cirp GmbH, Heimsheim
- DERICHS u KONERTZ Projektmanagement GmbH, Aachen
- Fraunhofer-Institut für Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation (IAO) – Projekt SoW, Stuttgart
- Institut für Arbeitswissenschaft und Technologiemanagement (IAT) , Stuttgart
- Landratsamt Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Garmisch-Partenkirchen
- omobi GmbH, Murnau
- Building
- Services public/private
- Health Economy and social Services, NGO
- Medical Engineering
- Transport and Logistics
- Research and Development
Topic Area
- Business Transformation
Research Focus
- Business Transformation Management
JRF Guiding Topic
- Society & Digitization
- Industry & Environment
Funding no.
02K20Z002Funding information
The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research under grant number 2K20Z002.