AI-supported platform for data-based relay traffic

In the STAFFEL project, a platform for organizing cross-carrier encounter traffic and an IoT-based security technology for asynchronous trailer transfer are to be designed and pilot-tested.

Initial situation

In road freight transport, shipments are interrupted to comply with driving and rest times. These interruptions not only extend the transport time. Truck parking spaces are also occupied, of which there is a shortage of around 35,000 on German highways according to BASt and BGL. The search for parking spaces leads to CO2-intensive parking search traffic, driving time overruns and frustration among truck drivers. Wildly parked trucks cause accidents, inconvenience residents and, according to VEDA, encourage cargo robberies with damages in the billions.

Expected result & benefits for the target group

The interruption of transports can be avoided by securing trailers with an IoT lock at the end of the driving time and then handing them over to rested drivers. In the project, a safe, cross-carrier "relay traffic" is to be researched: on an Internet platform, long distances are to be broken down into partial routes with the help of AI algorithms, which are then mediated between carriers and freight forwarders via a driving time marketplace on the basis of real-time data (e.g. traffic, infrastructure, IoT, telematics).

Solution approach

To achieve the goal, the following steps are planned:

  • Concept (sustainability, business model, legal, security)
  • Platform (driving time marketplace, AI algorithm, UX/UI)
  • Smart backup system (IoT system for trailer handover)
  • Integration traffic, telematics, TMS and IoT data
  • Big data processing and provision of refined data (mCloud)
  • Creation of standardization documents (e.g. e.g. DIN SPEC, CWA)
  • Pilot validation at the driving time marketplace "Rheinisches Revier" and on the "North Sea-Balkan Route" with regional partners

Further Links

UdZ-Article: "STAFFEL: Development of an AI-Supported Platform for data-Based Relay Traffic"


  • Transport and Logistics

Topic Area

  • Production Management
  • Information Management
  • Business Transformation

Research Focus

  • Supply-Chain-Management

FIR Navigator

  • AI and Data Science
  • Business Model Innovation
  • End2End Process Excellence
  • Platform Economy
  • JRF Guiding Topic

    • Society & Digitization
    • Industry & Environment


    Funding no.
    Funding context
    mFUND. Unsere Förderung für die Mobilität 4.0
    Funding information

    The project 19FS2019A of the research association FIR e. V. at RWTH Aachen University was funded by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) via the mFUND on the basis of a resolution of the German Bundestag.