Research Activities at FIR

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Navi Navigation program for the introduction and implementation from TPM to KMU

The aim of the project was to develop a “TPM-Navi” which would tackle the existing problems which small and medium-sized enterpises have with the TPM concepts and which would enable them to use so the high potentials of TPM.

An accepted and approved concept for the improvement of a maintenance organisation represents the Total Productive Maintenance (TPM). The execution of TPM enables a manufacturer to produce without breakdowns and failures. But the existing TPM concepts are not applicable to the specific needs of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). TPM-Navi aimed to close this gap by providing an IT-based methodology for a TPM-implementation in SMEs. This tool should contain an assessment for analysing the as-is situation regarding TPM within a SME and provides – based on the assessment results – a companyspecific roll-out conception for the TPM-implementation.

Topic Area

  • Service Management


Funding no.
14913N; N04261/05
Further information
